Shell Configuration And Settings (config)

Query or define Murex runtime settings


Rather than Murex runtime settings being definable via obscure environmental variables, Murex instead supports a registry of config defined via the config command. This means any preferences and/or runtime config becomes centralised and discoverable.


The following terms have special means with regards to config:


app refers to a grouped category of settings. For example the name of an integration or builtin.

Other app names include


key refers to the config setting itself. For example the app might be http but the key might be timeout - where the key, in this instance, holds the value for how long any HTTP user agents might wait before timing out.


value is the actual value of a setting. So the value for app: http, key: timeout might be 10. eg

» config get http timeout


Get value

config get app key -> <stdout>

Set value

           config set  app key value
<stdin> -> config set  app key
           config eval app key { code-block }

Reset to default

!config app key
config default app key

Define custom configs

config define app key { json }



Using eval to append to an array (in this instance, adding a function name to the list of “safe” commands):

» config eval shell safe-commands { -> append function-name }

You could also use the ~> operator too:

» config eval shell safe-commands { ~> %[function-name] }




Settings in config, by default, are scoped per function and module. Any functions called will inherit the settings of it’s caller parent. However any child functions that then change the settings will only change settings for it’s own function and not the parent caller.


Global settings defined inside a function will affect settings queried inside another executing function (same concept as global variables).

Custom Config Directives

This section relates to creating custom configs via config define. You do not need to refer to this for any regular usage of config.

Where “default value” is what will be auto-populated if you don’t include that directive (or “required” if the directive must be included).


Value: str (required)

This is the Murex data-type for the value.


Value: str (required)

Description is a required field to force developers into writing meaning hints enabling the discoverability of settings within Murex.


Value: bool (default: false)

This defines whether this setting is global or scoped.

All Dynamic config must also be Global. This is because Dynamic config rely on a state that likely isn’t scoped (eg the contents of a file on disk or environmental variable).


Value: any (required)

This is the initialized and default value.


Value: array (default: null)

Some suggested options (if known) to provide as autocompletion suggestions in the interactive command line.


Value: map of strings (default: null)

Only use this if config options need to be more than just static values stored inside Murex’s runtime. Using Dynamic means autocomplete get app key and autocomplete set app key value will spawn off a subshell running a code block defined from the Read and Write mapped values. eg

# Create the example config file
out "this is the default value" |> example.conf

config define example test5 %{
    Description: This is only an example
    DataType: str
    Global: true
    Dynamic: {
        Read: '{
            open example.conf
        Write: '{
            |> example.conf
    # read the config file to get the default value
    Default: ${open example.conf}

It’s also worth noting the different syntax between Read and Default. The Read code block is being executed when the Read directive is being requested, whereas the Default code block is being executed when the JSON is being read.

In technical terms, the Default code block is being executed by Murex when config define is getting executed where as the Read and Write code blocks are getting stored as a JSON string and then executed only when those hooks are getting triggered.

Dynamic Read

Value: str (default: empty)

This is executed when autocomplete get app key is ran. The stdout of the code block is the setting’s value.

Dynamic Write

Value: str (default: empty)

This is executed when autocomplete is setting a value (eg set, default, eval). is ran. The stdin of the code block is the new value.


See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/config/config_doc.yaml.

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Last built on Wed Sep 18 21:18:57 UTC 2024 against commit c037883c03788357164e9846c84d9f777251495d9452a8e.

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