[[ Element ]]
)Outputs an element from a nested structure
Outputs an element from an array, map or table. Unlike index ([
), element takes a path parameter which means it can work inside nested structures without pipelining multiple commands together. However this comes with the drawback that you can only return one element.
Element ([[
) also doesn’t support the bang prefix (unlike) index.
Please note that indexes in Murex are counted from zero.
<stdin> -> [[ element ]] -> <stdout>
$variable[[ element ]] -> <stdout>
Return the 2nd element in an array:
» ja [0..9] -> [[ /1 ]]
Return the data-type and description of config shell syntax-highlighting:
» config -> [[ /shell/syntax-highlighting/Data-Type ]]
Indexes in Murex behave like any other computer array in that all arrays start from zero (0
Element uses the first character in the path as the separator. So the following are all valid parameters:
» config -> [[ ,shell,syntax-highlighting,Data-Type ]]
» config -> [[ >shell>syntax-highlighting>Data-Type ]]
» config -> [[ \|shell\|syntax-highlighting\|Data-Type ]]
» config -> [[ 😅shell😅syntax-highlighting😅Data-Type ]]
However there are a few of caveats:
, ;
, }
, etc) will need to be escaped. For readability reasons it is recommended not to use such characters even though it is technically possible to.
# Would fail because the semi-colon is an unescaped / unquoted shell token
config -> [[ ;shell-syntax-highlighting;Data-Type ]]
# Would fail because 'syntax-highlighting' and 'Data-Type' both also contain
# the separator character
config -> [[ -shell-syntax-highlighting-Data-Type ]]
# Would fail because you cannot escape key names (escaping happens at the
# shell parser level rather than command parameter level)
config -> [[ -shell-syntax\-highlighting-Data\-Type ]]
In Murex, everything is a function. Thus even [[
is a function name and the closing ]]
is actually a last parameter. This means the recommended way to quote element parameters is to quote specific key names or the entire path:
» config -> [[ /shell/"syntax-highlighting"/Data-Type ]]
» config -> [[ "|shell|syntax-highlighting|Data-Type" ]]
): Count items in a map, list or arrayja
): A sophisticated yet simply way to build a JSON array[ ..Range ]
: Outputs a ranged subset of data from stdin[ Index ]
): Outputs an element from an array, map or tablemtac
): Reverse the order of an arrayconfig
): Query or define Murex runtime settingsa
): A sophisticated yet simple way to stream an array or list (mkarray)This document was generated from builtins/core/element/element_doc.yaml.
This site's content is rebuilt automatically from murex's source code after each merge to the master
branch. Downloadable murex binaries are also built with the website.
Last built on Tue Dec 10 22:56:57 UTC 2024 against commit 60f05a260f05a227caf73dd5b3478e3cb3f4bb24e46745b.
Current version is 6.4.1005 (develop) which has been verified against tests cases.