Count (count)

Count items in a map, list or array


Counts the number of items in a structure, be that a list, map or other object type.

count has several modes ranging from updating values in place, returning new structures, or just outputting totals.


<stdin> -> count [ --duplications | --unique | --total ] -> <stdout>


Count number of items in a map, list or array:

» tout json (["a", "b", "c"]) -> count 


Alias for --bytes * -d Alias for --duplications * -r Alias for --runes * -s Alias for --sum * -t Alias for --total * -u Alias for --unique


If no flags are set, count will default to using --total.

Total: --total / -t

This will read an array, list or map from stdin and output the length for that array.

» a [25-Dec-2020..05-Jan-2021] -> count 

This also replaces the older len method.

Please note that this returns the length of the array rather than string. For example out "foobar" -> count would return 1 because an array in the str data type would be new line separated (eg out "foo\nbar" -> count would return 2). If you need to count characters in a string and are running POSIX (eg Linux / BSD / OSX) then it is recommended to use wc instead. But be mindful that wc will also count new line characters.

» out "foobar" -> count

» out "foo\nbar" -> count

» out "foobar" -> wc: -c

» out "foo\nbar" -> wc: -c

» printf "foobar" -> wc: -c
# (printf does not print a trailing new line)

Duplications: --duplications / -d

This returns a JSON map of items and the number of their occurrences in a list or array.

For example in the quote below, only the word “the” is repeated so that entry will have a value of 2 while ever other entry has a value of 1 because they only appear once in the quote.

» out "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" -> jsplit \s -> count --duplications
    "brown": 1,
    "dog": 1,
    "fox": 1,
    "jumped": 1,
    "lazy": 1,
    "over": 1,
    "quick": 1,
    "the": 2

Unique: --unique / -u

Returns the number of unique elements in a list or array.

For example in the quote below, only the word “the” is repeated, thus the unique count should be one less than the total count:

» out "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" -> jsplit \s -> count --unique
» out "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" -> jsplit \s -> count --total


See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/datatools/count_doc.yaml.

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Last built on Wed Jan 15 23:07:50 UTC 2025 against commit b4c4296b4c429617fd41527ea0efef33c52c15ef2b64972.

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