Sort Array (msort)

Sorts an array - data type agnostic


This builtin takes input from stdin, sorts it and the outputs it to stdout.

The code behind msort is significantly more lightweight than UNIX sort. It doesn’t work with numeric types (eg sorting floating point numbers), reversed order nor multi-column data. It is specifically designed to work with lists of data. For example arrays in data formats like JSON (json), YAML (yaml) or S-Expressions (sexp); or lists of strings (str). The intention is to cover use cases not already covered by UNIX sort while also providing something rudimentary for Murex scripts to function on Windows without having to write lots of ugly platform-specific code. This is also the reason this builtin is called msort rather than conflicting with the existing UNIX name, sort.


<stdin> -> msort -> <stdout>


» tout json (["c", "b", "a"]) -> msort   

Since msort does not support reversed order, you will need to pipe the output of msort into another builtin:

» tout json (["c", "b", "a"]) -> msort -> mtac 


See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/lists/msort_doc.yaml.

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