Alter Data Structure (alter / ~>)

Change a value within a structured data-type and pass that change along the pipeline without altering the original source input


alter a value within a structured data-type.

The path separator is defined by the first character in the path. For example /path/to/key, ,path,to,key, |path|to|key and #path#to#key are all valid however you should remember to quote or escape any special characters (tokens) used by the shell (such as pipe, |, and hash, #).

The value must always be supplied as JSON.

When working with expressions, you may find the Assign or Merge operator more ergonomic (read more)


<stdin> -> alter [ -m | --merge | -s | --sum ] /path value -> <stdout>

<stdin> ~> value -> <stdout>


Altering an objects value

» config -> [ shell ] -> [ prompt ] -> alter /Value moo
    "Data-Type": "block",
    "Default": "{ out 'murex » ' }",
    "Description": "Interactive shell prompt.",
    "Value": "moo"

Inserting JSON

alter also accepts JSON as a parameter for adding structured data:

config -> [ shell ] -> [ prompt ] -> alter /Example { "Foo": "Bar" }
    "Data-Type": "block",
    "Default": "{ out 'murex » ' }",
    "Description": "Interactive shell prompt.",
    "Example": {
        "Foo": "Bar"
    "Value": "{ out 'murex » ' }"

Data-type aware

It is also data type aware so if they key you’re updating holds a string (for example) then the JSON data a will be stored as a string:

» config -> [ shell ] -> [ prompt ] -> alter /Value { "Foo": "Bar" }
    "Data-Type": "block",
    "Default": "{ out 'murex » ' }",
    "Description": "Interactive shell prompt.",
    "Value": "{ \"Foo\": \"Bar\" }"

Numbers will also follow the same transparent conversion treatment:

» tout json { "one": 1, "two": 2 } -> alter /two "3"
    "one": 1,
    "two": 3

Please note: alter is not changing the value held inside config but instead took the stdout from config, altered a value and then passed that new complete structure through it’s stdout.

If you require modifying a structure inside Murex config (such as http headers) then you can use config alter. Read the config docs for reference.

-m / –merge

Thus far all the examples have be changing existing keys. However you can also alter a structure by appending to an array or a merging two maps together. You do this with the --merge (or -m) flag.

» out a\nb\nc -> alter --merge / ([ "d", "e", "f" ])

-s / –sum

This behaves similarly to --merge where structures are blended together. However where a map exists with two keys the same and the values are numeric, those values are added together.

» tout json { "a": 1, "b": 2 } -> alter --sum / { "b": 3, "c": 4 }
    "a": 1,
    "b": 5,
    "c": 4




The path parameter can take any character as node separators. The separator is assigned via the first character in the path. For example

config -> alter .shell.prompt.Value moo
config -> alter >shell>prompt>Value moo

Just make sure you quote or escape any characters used as shell tokens. eg

config -> alter '#shell#prompt#Value' moo
config -> alter ' shell prompt Value' moo

Supported data-types

The value field must always be supplied as JSON however the stdin struct can be any data-type supported by murex.

You can check what data-types are available via the runtime command:

runtime --marshallers

Marshallers are enabled at compile time from the builtins/data-types directory.

Alter operator

~> is a synonym for alter --merge /, for example:

» tout json %[1 2 3] ~> %[4 5 6]


See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/datatools/alter_doc.yaml.

This site's content is rebuilt automatically from murex's source code after each merge to the master branch. Downloadable murex binaries are also built with the website.

Last built on Wed Jan 15 23:07:50 UTC 2025 against commit b4c4296b4c429617fd41527ea0efef33c52c15ef2b64972.

Current version is 6.4.2063 (develop) which has been verified against tests cases.