Public Function (function)

Define a function block


function defines a block of code as a function


Define a function:

function name { code-block }

Define a function with variable names defined (default value and description are optional parameters):

function name (
    variable1: data-type [default-value] "description",
    variable2: data-type [default-value] "description"
) {

Undefine a function:

!function command


» function hw { out "Hello, World!" }
» hw
Hello, World!

» !function hw
» hw
exec "hw": executable file not found in $PATH


Allowed characters

Function names can only include any characters apart from dollar ($). This is to prevent functions from overwriting variables (see the order of preference below).

Undefining a function

Like all other definable states in Murex, you can delete a function with the bang prefix !function (see the example above).

Using parameterized variable names

By default, if you wanted to query the parameters passed to a Murex function you would have to use either:

Starting from Murex 2.7.x it’s been possible to declare parameters from within the function declaration:

function name (
    variable1: data-type [default-value] "description",
    variable2: data-type [default-value] "description"
) {


First off, the syntax doesn’t have to follow exactly as above:


Any variable name you declare in your function declaration will be exposed in your function body as a local variable. For example:

function hello (name: str) {
    out "Hello $name, pleased to meet you."

If the function isn’t called with the complete list of parameters and it is running in the foreground (ie not part of autocomplete, event, bg, etc) then you will be prompted for it’s value. That could look something like this:

» function hello (name: str) {
»     out "Hello $name, pleased to meet you."
» }

» hello
Please enter a value for 'name': Bob
Hello Bob, pleased to meet you.

(in this example you typed Bob when prompted)


This is the Murex data type of the variable. From version 2.8.x this field is optional and will default to str when omitted.

The advantage of setting this field is that values are type checked and the function will fail early if an incorrect value is presented. For example:

» function age (age: int) { out "$age is a great age." }

» age
Please enter a value for 'age': ten
Error in `age` ( 2,1): cannot convert parameter 1 'ten' to data type 'int'

» age ten
Error in `age` ( 2,1): cannot convert parameter 1 'ten' to data type 'int'

However it will try to automatically convert values if it can:

» age 1.2
1 is a great age.

Default values

Default values are only relevant when functions are run interactively. It allows the user to press enter without inputting a value:

» function hello (name: str [John]) { out "Hello $name, pleased to meet you." }

» hello
Please enter a value for 'name' [John]: 
Hello John, pleased to meet you.

Here no value was entered so $name defaulted to John.

Default values will not auto-populate when the function is run in the background. For example:

» bg {hello}
Error in `hello` ( 2,2): cannot prompt for parameters when a function is run in the background: too few parameters


Descriptions are only relevant when functions are run interactively. It allows you to define a more useful prompt should that function be called without sufficient parameters. For example:

» function hello (name: str "What is your name?") { out "Hello $name" }

» hello
What is your name?: Sally
Hello Sally

Order of precedence

There is an order of precedence for which commands are looked up:

  1. runmode: this is executed before the rest of the script. It is invoked by the pre-compiler forking process and is required to sit at the top of any scripts.
  2. test and pipe functions also alter the behavior of the compiler and thus are executed ahead of any scripts.
  3. private functions - defined via private. Private’s cannot be global and are scoped only to the module or source that defined them. For example, You cannot call a private function directly from the interactive command line (however you can force an indirect call via fexec).
  4. Aliases - defined via alias. All aliases are global.
  5. Murex functions - defined via function. All functions are global.
  6. Variables (dollar prefixed) which are declared via global, set or let. Also environmental variables too, declared via export.
  7. globbing: however this only applies for commands executed in the interactive shell.
  8. Murex builtins.
  9. External executable files

You can override this order of precedence via the fexec and exec builtins.


See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/structs/function_doc.yaml.

This site's content is rebuilt automatically from murex's source code after each merge to the master branch. Downloadable murex binaries are also built with the website.

Last built on Wed Sep 18 21:18:57 UTC 2024 against commit c037883c03788357164e9846c84d9f777251495d9452a8e.

Current version is 6.3.4225 (develop) which has been verified against tests cases.