Exit Block (break)

Terminate execution of a block within your processes scope


break will terminate execution of a block (eg function, private, foreach, if, etc).

break requires a parameter and that parameter is the name of the caller block you wish to break out of. If it is a function or private, then it will be the name of that function or private. If it is an if or foreach loop, then it will be if or foreach (respectively).


break block-name


Exiting an iteration block

function foo {
    %[1..10] -> foreach i {
        out $i
        if { $i == 5 } then {
            out "exit running function"
            break foo
            out "ended"

Running the above code would output:

» foo
exit running function

Exiting a function

break can be considered to exhibit the behavior of return (from other languages) too

function example {
    if { $USER == "root" } then {
        err "Don't run this as root"
        break example
    # ... do something ...

Though in this particular use case it is recommended that you use return instead, the above code does illustrate how break behaves.


break cannot escape the bounds of its scope (typically the function it is running inside). For example, in the following code we are calling break bar (which is a different function) inside of the function foo:

function foo {
    %[1..10] -> foreach i {
        out $i
        if { $i == 5 } then {
            out "exit running function"
            break bar
            out "ended"

function bar {

Regardless of whether we run foo or bar, both of those functions will raise the following error:

Error in `break` (7,17): no block found named `bar` within the scope of `foo`

See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/structs/break_doc.yaml.

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