Reserved Variables

Special variables reserved by Murex

In Murex, there are five different classes of variables:

  1. Local variables (scope limited to a function et al)
  2. Module variables (scoped to a module)
  3. Global variables (available to every function within Murex but not shared with processes outside of the Murex’s runtime)
  4. Environmental variables (available to every function and process – internal and external to Murex)
  5. Reserved variables

Reserved variables are data that are available to any code running within Murex and exposed as a variable.

Reserved variables are called reserved because they are read only.

Reserved variables are often also dynamic, returning different values based on contextual circumstances.

» set SELF="foobar"
Error in `set` (0,1): cannot set a reserved variable: SELF

See Also

This document was generated from gen/user-guide/reserved_vars_doc.yaml.

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Last built on Wed Sep 18 21:18:57 UTC 2024 against commit c037883c03788357164e9846c84d9f777251495d9452a8e.

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