Numeric (str)

Variables who’s name is a positive integer, eg 0, 1, 2, 3 and above


Variables named 0 and above are the equivalent index value of @ARGV.

These are reserved variables so they cannot be changed.


» function example { out $0 $2 }
» example 1 2 3
example 2


0 (str)

This returns the name of the executable (like $ARGS[0])

1, 2, 3… (str)

This returns parameter n (like $ARGS[n]). If there is no parameter n then the variable will not be set thus the upper limit variable is determined by how many parameters are set. For example if you have 19 parameters passed then variables $1 through to $19 (inclusive) will all be set.

See Also

This document was generated from gen/variables/numeric_doc.yaml.

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