|| Or Logical Operator

Continues next operation only if previous operation fails


When in the normal run mode (see “schedulers” link below) this will only run the command on the right hand side if the command on the left hand side does not error. Neither stdout nor stderr are piped.

This has no effect in try nor trypipe run modes because they automatically apply stricter error handling. See detail below.


When true

Second command does not run because the first command doesn’t error:

» out one || out two

When false

Second command does run because the first command produces an error:

» err one || out two


This has no effect in try nor trypipe run modes because they automatically apply stricter error handling. You can achieve a similar behavior in try with the following code:

try {
    err one -> !if { out two }

There is no workaround for trypipe.

See Also

This document was generated from gen/parser/logical_ops_doc.yaml.

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