? stderr Pipe

Pipes stderr from the left hand command to stdin of the right hand command (DEPRECATED)


This token swaps the stdout and stderr streams of the left hand command.

Please note that this token is only effective when it is prefixed by white space.

This feature has been deprecated. Please use <err> <!out> instead. For example:

command <err> <!out> parameter-1 parameter-2 -> next-command parameter-1


» err Hello, world! ? regexp s/world/Earth/
Hello, Earth!

In following example the first command is writing to stdout rather than stderr so Hello, world! doesn’t get pipelined and thus isn’t affected by regexp:

» out Hello, world! ? regexp s/world/Earth/
Hello, world!

In following example the stderr token isn’t whitespace padded so is treated like any ordinary printable character:

» err Hello, world!? regexp s/world/Earth/
Hello, world!? regexp s/world/Earth/

See Also

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