= (arithmetic evaluation)

Evaluate a mathematical function (deprecated)


= evaluates a mathematical function and returns it’s output

This is a deprecated feature. Please refer to expr instead.


<stdin> -> = evaluation -> <stdout>

= evaluation -> <stdout>


As a method

» let age=18
» $age -> = < 21

» $age -> = < 21 -> if { out "Under 21" } else { out "Over 21" }
Under 21

As a function

» let age=18
» = age < 21

» = age < 21 -> if { out "Under 21" } else { out "Over 21" }
Under 21

Inlining as a function

» let age=18
» if { = age < 21 } then { out "Under 21" } else { out "Over 21" }
Under 21



There are two ways you can use variables with the math functions. Either by string interpolation like you would normally with any other function, or directly by name.

String interpolation:

» set abc=123
» = $abc==123

Directly by name:

» set abc=123
» = abc==123

To understand the difference between the two, you must first understand how string interpolation works; which is where the parser tokenised the parameters like so

command line: = $abc==123
token 1: command (name: "=")
token 2: parameter 1, string (content: "")
token 3: parameter 1, variable (name: "abc")
token 4: parameter 1, string (content: "==123")

Then when the command line gets executed, the parameters are compiled on demand similarly to this crude pseudo-code

command: "="
parameters 1: concatenate("", GetValue(abc), "==123")
output: "=" "123==123"

Thus the actual command getting run is literally 123==123 due to the variable being replace before the command executes.

Whereas when you call the variable by name it’s up to = or let to do the variable substitution.

command line: = abc==123
token 1: command (name: "=")
token 2: parameter 1, string (content: "abc==123")
command: "="
parameters 1: concatenate("abc==123")
output: "=" "abc==123"

The main advantage (or disadvantage, depending on your perspective) of using variables this way is that their data-type is preserved.

» set str abc=123
» = abc==123

» set int abc=123
» = abc==123

Unfortunately is one of the biggest areas in Murex where you’d need to be careful. The simple addition or omission of the dollar prefix, $, can change the behavior of = and let.


Because the usual Murex tools for encapsulating a string (", ' and ()) are interpreted by the shell language parser, it means we need a new token for handling strings inside = and let. This is where backtick comes to our rescue.

» set str abc=123
» = abc==`123`

Please be mindful that if you use string interpolation then you will need to instruct = and let that your field is a string

» set str abc=123
» = `$abc`==`123`

Best practice recommendation

As you can see from the sections above, string interpolation offers us some conveniences when comparing variables of differing data-types, such as a str type with a number (eg num or int). However it makes for less readable code when just comparing strings. Thus the recommendation is to avoid using string interpolation except only where it really makes sense (ie use it sparingly).

Non-boolean logic

Thus far the examples given have been focused on comparisons however = and let supports all the usual arithmetic operators:

» = 10+10

» = 10/10

» = (4 * (3 + 2))

» = `foo`+`bar`

Read more

Murex uses the govaluate package. More information can be found in it’s manual.


See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/typemgmt/math_doc.yaml.

This site's content is rebuilt automatically from murex's source code after each merge to the master branch. Downloadable murex binaries are also built with the website.

Last built on Wed Jan 15 23:07:50 UTC 2025 against commit b4c4296b4c429617fd41527ea0efef33c52c15ef2b64972.

Current version is 6.4.2063 (develop) which has been verified against tests cases.