Making character arrays (a to z)
You can create arrays from a range of letters (a to z):
» a [a..z]
» a [z..a]
» a [A..Z]
» a [Z..A]
…or any characters within that range.
Please refer to a (mkarray) for more detailed usage of mkarray.
a: [start..end] -> <stdout>
a: [start..end,start..end] -> <stdout>
a: [start..end][start..end] -> <stdout>
All usages also work with ja
and ta
as well, eg:
ja: [start..end] -> <stdout>
ta: data-type [start..end] -> <stdout>
You can also inline arrays with the %[]
syntax, eg:
» a [a..c]
» a [c..a]
): Count items in a map, list or arrayja
): A sophisticated yet simply way to build a JSON arrayta
): A sophisticated yet simple way to build an array of a user defined data-type[ ..Range ]
: Outputs a ranged subset of data from stdin[[ Element ]]
): Outputs an element from a nested structurea
): A sophisticated yet simple way to stream an array or list (mkarray)This document was generated from builtins/core/mkarray/ranges_doc.yaml.
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