
The v5.2 release introduces significant new features and improvements for those using Murex as their interactive shell. Many of these features are unique to Murex.

Breaking Changes

Deprecation Warnings

Please read out compatibility commitment to understand how features are deprecated.


Features marked as EXPERIMENTAL are provided without assurances of future breaking changes. All other features are considered stable as part of Murex’s compatibility commitment.

Bug Fixes

Special Thanks

Special thank yous for this release goes to tiymat for their bug fixes and everyone in the discussions group for raising bug reports and design discussions.

You rock!

Published: 18.11.2023 at 20:59

See Also

This document was generated from gen/changelog/v5.2_doc.yaml.

This site's content is rebuilt automatically from murex's source code after each merge to the master branch. Downloadable murex binaries are also built with the website.

Last built on Thu Aug 15 14:38:34 UTC 2024 against commit 50ed9d650ed9d6df391240d3c2c02e623636e508dfcdad1.

Current version is 6.2.4000 which has been verified against tests cases.