Terminal Hotkeys

A list of all the terminal hotkeys and their uses

Table of Contents

Command Prompt


Pressing tab provides autocompletion suggestions. Suggestions can come in one of two formats:

  1. a gridded view where the hint text (the, typically blue, text under the prompt) provides the description
  2. a list view where the description is printed alongside the completion suggestion.

While the autocompletion suggestions are open, the following keys are assigned roles:

Fuzzy Find Autocomplete

Pressing ctrl+f either from the prompt, or while the autocomplete suggestions are open, will open up the fuzzy find dialog to search through available suggestions. This can also be used to quickly jump to specific sub-directories.

Your typed search terms will appear in the hint text.

By default the fuzzy finder will look for any item that includes all of the search words. However the search behavior can be changed if the first search term is any of the following:

Aside from globbing matches, searching in fuzzy finder is not case sensitive.

While the fuzzy finder is open, the following keys are assigned roles:

Autocomplete Preview

The autocomplete preview is a way of quickly examining the contents of a function, man page, text file or even image, based on what autocomplete suggestion is highlighted. (read more)

While the preview box is open, the rest of your terminal output will be hidden. However once you close it, that output will reappear.

While the preview box is open, the following keys are assigned roles:

Command Line Preview

The command line preview enables you to view the output of a command pipeline interactively while you type it. (read more)

While the preview box is open, the rest of your terminal output will be hidden. However once you close it, that output will reappear.

While the preview box is open, the following keys are assigned roles:

Search Shell History

This displays up your timestamped shell history as an autocomplete list with fuzzy find activated. Using ctrl+r you can rapidly rerun previous command lines.

From here, the usual autocomplete / fuzzy find hotkeys apply. Such as pressing esc to cancel history completion.

If the prompt line is not empty, then the current line is included in the history search.

Line Editing

These are the various hotkeys and editing modes available in Murex’s interactive command prompt.

General Hotkeys

Vim Keys

Pressing esc while no autocomplete suggestions are shown will switch the line editor into vim keys mode.

Press i to return to normal editing mode.

Supported Keys

Recalling Previous Words

In the following example, code inside square brackets represent key presses rather than text:

» echo two three four five six seven eight nine
two three four five six seven eight nine
» [shift+f1]echo [shift+f5]five

Job Control

While processes are running, the following keys are assigned roles:


Cancel Prompt

Pressing ctrl+c while on the prompt will clear the prompt. This is similar to ctrl+u.

End Of File

Pressing ctrl+d on an empty prompt will send EOF (end of file). This will exit that running shell session.

Alternative Cancel Key

ctrl+g performs the same action as esc at all states of the interactive shell.

Clear Screen

Pressing ctrl+l will clear the screen.


Sometimes you might want to type your command line in a different editor. You can do via via esc followed by v.

You will need to have an environmental variable named $EDITOR set to the file name and path of your preferred editor, otherwise Murex will default to vi.

(this feature is not currently available on Windows)

See Also

This document was generated from gen/user-guide/terminal-keys_doc.yaml.

This site's content is rebuilt automatically from murex's source code after each merge to the master branch. Downloadable murex binaries are also built with the website.

Last built on Wed Sep 18 21:18:57 UTC 2024 against commit c037883c03788357164e9846c84d9f777251495d9452a8e.

Current version is 6.3.4225 (develop) which has been verified against tests cases.