
Lists all running functions within the current Murex session


fid-list is a tool for outputting all the functions currently managed by that Murex session. Those functions could be Murex functions, builtins or any external executables launched from Murex.

Conceptually fid-list is a little like ps (on POSIX systems) however fid-list was not written to be POSIX compliant.

Multiple flags cannot be used with each other.


fid-list [ flag ] -> <stdout>

jobs is an alias for fid-list: --jobs:

jobs -> <stdout>



Because Murex is a multi-threaded shell, builtins are not forked processes like in a traditional / POSIX shell. This means that you cannot use the operating systems default process viewer (eg ps) to list Murex functions. This is where fid-list comes into play. It is used to view all the functions and processes that are managed by the current Murex session. That would include:


See Also

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