Structured array for working with
style data
The path
type Turns file and directory paths into structured objects.
The root directory (typically /
) is counted as a directory. If a path is relative rather than absolute then /
will be excluded from outputted string.
» %[/bin, /usr/bin, "$JAVA_HOME/bin"] -> format paths
» $PATH -> :paths: format json
As a statement:
» $PATH -> append /sbin -> export PATH
As an expression:
» $PATH <~ %[ "/sbin" ]
Each element is a directory branch. Root, /
, is treated as it’s own elementReadArrayWithType()
Same as ReadArray()
Returns a directory branch or filename if last element is a fileReadMap()
Not currently supportedReadNotIndex()
Each element is a directory branch%[]
Array Builder: Quickly generate arrays<~
Assign Or Merge: Merges the right hand value to a variable on the left hand side (expression)path
: Structured object for working with file and directory pathsReadIndex()
(type): Data type handler for the index, [
, builtinReadNotIndex()
(type): Data type handler for the bang-prefixed index, ![
, builtinReadArray()
(type): Read from a data type one array element at a timeWriteArray()
(type): Write a data type, one array element at a timeReadMap()
(type): Treat data type as a key/value structure and read its contentsMarshal()
(type): Converts structured memory into a structured file format (eg for stdio)Unmarshal()
(type): Converts a structured file format into structured memoryThis document was generated from builtins/types/paths/paths_doc.yaml.
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Last built on Wed Sep 18 21:18:57 UTC 2024 against commit c037883c03788357164e9846c84d9f777251495d9452a8e.
Current version is 6.3.4225 (develop) which has been verified against tests cases.