(brace quote)

Write a string to the stdout without new line (deprecated)


Write parameters to stdout (does not include a new line)


(string to write) -> <stdout>


» (Hello, World!)
Hello, World!

» (Hello,\nWorld!)

» ((Hello,) (World!))
(Hello,) (World!)

# Print "Hello, World!" in red text
» {RED}Hello, World!{RESET}
Hello, World!


The ( function performs exactly like the ( token for quoting so you do not need to escape other tokens (eg single / double quotes, '/", nor curly braces, {}). However the braces are nestable so you will need to escape those characters if you don’t want them nested.

ANSI Constants

( supports ANSI constants.


See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/io/echo_doc.yaml.

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