List Filesystem Objects (f)

Lists or filters file system objects (eg files)


f lists or filters lists of file system objects, such as files, directories, etc. f provides a quick way to output file system items that confirm to specific criteria.

You define this criteria by using +flags (eg +s for all symlinks) and optionally then restricting that criteria with -flags (eg -x to remove all executable items). All flags supported as + are also supported as a -.

By default f will return no results. You need to include +flags.

Output is a JSON array as this format preserves whitespace in file names.


f options -> <stdout>

<stdin> -> f options -> <stdout>


Return only directories

f +d

Mixing inclusion and exclusions

Return file and directories but exclude symlinks:

f +fd -s

As a method

Filter out files in a list (eg created by g) using conditions set by f:

g '*.go' -> f +f

rx '\.(txt|md)' -> f +fw



+ flags are always matched first. Then the - flags are used to filter out any matches from the + flags.


See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/io/f_doc.yaml.

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