
A date and/or time conversion tool (like printf but for date and time values)


While date is a standard UNIX tool, it’s syntax can vary from Linux to macOS. datetype aims to be a cross platform alternative while also offering a range of saner syntax options too.

The syntax for datetime is modelled from date and time libraries from various popular programming languages.


Pass date/time value as a parameter:

datetime --in "format" --out "format" --value "date/time" -> <stdout>

Read date/time value from stdout:

<stdin> -> datetime --in "format" --out "format" -> <stdout>


Output current date and time

» datetime --in "{now}" --out "{go}01/02/06 15:04:05"
12/08/21 22:32:30

Convert stdin into epoch

» echo "12/08/21 22:32:30" -> datetime --in "{go}01/02/06 15:04:05" --out "{unix}"

Convert command line argument

» datetime --value "12/08/21 22:32:30" --in "{go}01/02/06 15:04:05" --out "{unix}"



Date Time Format Code Parsers

datetime supports a number of parsers, defined in curly braces.

{py}: Python strftime / strptime format codes

Murex doesn’t support all the language and locale features of Python, instead defaulting to English. However enough support is there to cover most use cases.

Documentation regarding these format codes can be found on

{go}: Go (lang) time.Time format codes

Murex has full support for Go’s date/time parsing.

Documentation regarding these format codes can be found on

{now}: Current date and time

This is only supported as an input. When it is used --value flag is not required.

See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/typemgmt/datetime_doc.yaml.

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Last built on Thu Aug 15 14:38:34 UTC 2024 against commit 50ed9d650ed9d6df391240d3c2c02e623636e508dfcdad1.

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