lang.IndexTemplateTable() (template API)

Returns element(s) from a table


This is a template API you can use for your custom data types.

It should only be called from ReadIndex() and ReadNotIndex() functions.

This function ensures consistency with the index, [, builtin when used with different Murex data types. Thus making indexing a data type agnostic capability.


Example calling lang.IndexTemplateTable() function:

package generic

import (


func index(p *lang.Process, params []string) error {
    cRecords := make(chan []string, 1)

    go func() {
        err := p.Stdin.ReadLine(func(b []byte) {
            cRecords <- rxWhitespace.Split(string(bytes.TrimSpace(b)), -1)
        if err != nil {

    marshaller := func(s []string) (b []byte) {
        b = []byte(strings.Join(s, "\t"))

    return lang.IndexTemplateTable(p, params, cRecords, marshaller)


API Source:

package lang

import (


const (
    byRowNumber = iota + 1

    maxReportedUnmatched = 5

var (
    rxColumnPrefixOld = regexp.MustCompile(`^:[0-9]+$`)
    rxRowSuffixOld    = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9]+:$`)
    rxColumnPrefixNew = regexp.MustCompile(`^\*[a-zA-Z]$`)
    rxRowSuffixNew    = regexp.MustCompile(`^\*[0-9]+$`)
    errMixAndMatch    = errors.New("you cannot mix and match matching modes")

// IndexTemplateTable is a handy standard indexer you can use in your custom data types for tabulated / streamed data.
// The point of this is to minimize code rewriting and standardising the behavior of the indexer.
func IndexTemplateTable(p *Process, params []string, cRecords chan []string, marshaller func([]string) []byte) error {
    if p.IsNot {
        return ittNot(p, params, cRecords, marshaller)
    return ittIndex(p, params, cRecords, marshaller)

func charToIndex(b byte) int {
    if b > 96 {
        return int(b - 97)
    return int(b - 65)

func ittIndex(p *Process, params []string, cRecords chan []string, marshaller func([]string) []byte) (err error) {
    var (
        mode           int
        matchStr       []string
        matchInt       []int
        unmatched      []string
        unmatchedCount int

    defer func() {
        if len(unmatched) != 0 {
            p.ExitNum = 1
            if unmatchedCount > maxReportedUnmatched {
                unmatched = append(unmatched, fmt.Sprintf(" %d more", unmatchedCount-maxReportedUnmatched))
            err = fmt.Errorf("some records did not contain all of the requested fields:%s%s",
                strings.Join(unmatched, utils.NewLineString))

    errUnmatched := func(recs []string) {
        if unmatchedCount > maxReportedUnmatched {
        unmatched = append(unmatched, strings.Join(recs, "\t"))

    for i := range params {
        switch {
        case rxRowSuffixOld.MatchString(params[i]):
            if mode != 0 && mode != byRowNumber {
                return errMixAndMatch
            mode = byRowNumber
            num, _ := strconv.Atoi(params[i][:len(params[i])-1])
            matchInt = append(matchInt, num)

        case rxRowSuffixNew.MatchString(params[i]):
            if mode != 0 && mode != byRowNumber {
                return errMixAndMatch
            mode = byRowNumber
            num, _ := strconv.Atoi(params[i][1:])
            matchInt = append(matchInt, num-1) // Don't count from zero

        case rxColumnPrefixOld.MatchString(params[i]):
            if mode != 0 && mode != byColumnNumber {
                return errMixAndMatch
            mode = byColumnNumber
            num, _ := strconv.Atoi(params[i][1:])
            matchInt = append(matchInt, num)

        case rxColumnPrefixNew.MatchString(params[i]):
            if mode != 0 && mode != byColumnNumber {
                return errMixAndMatch
            mode = byColumnNumber
            num := charToIndex(params[i][1])
            matchInt = append(matchInt, num)

            if mode != 0 && mode != byColumnName {
                return errMixAndMatch
            matchStr = append(matchStr, params[i])
            mode = byColumnName


    switch mode {
    case byRowNumber:
        var (
            ordered = true
            last    int
            max     int
        // check order
        for _, i := range matchInt {
            if i < last {
                ordered = false
            if i > max {
                max = i
            last = i

        if ordered {
            // ordered matching - for this we can just read in the records we want sequentially. Low memory overhead
            var i int
            for {
                recs, ok := <-cRecords
                if !ok {
                    return nil
                if i == matchInt[0] {
                    _, err = p.Stdout.Writeln(marshaller(recs))
                    if err != nil {
                    if len(matchInt) == 1 {
                        matchInt[0] = -1
                        return nil
                    matchInt = matchInt[1:]

        } else {
            // unordered matching - for this we load the entire data set into memory - up until the maximum value
            var (
                i     int
                lines = make([][]string, max+1)
            for {
                recs, ok := <-cRecords
                if !ok {
                if i <= max {
                    lines[i] = recs

            for _, j := range matchInt {
                _, err = p.Stdout.Writeln(marshaller(lines[j]))
                if err != nil {

            return nil

    case byColumnNumber:
        for {
            recs, ok := <-cRecords
            if !ok {
                return nil

            var line []string
            for _, i := range matchInt {
                if i < len(recs) {
                    line = append(line, recs[i])
                } else {
                    if len(recs) == 0 || (len(recs) == 1 && recs[0] == "") {
            if len(line) != 0 {
                _, err = p.Stdout.Writeln(marshaller(line))
                if err != nil {

    case byColumnName:
        var (
            lineNum  int
            headings = make(map[string]int)

        for {
            var line []string
            recs, ok := <-cRecords
            if !ok {
                return nil

            if lineNum == 0 {
                for i := range recs {
                    headings[recs[i]] = i + 1
                for i := range matchStr {
                    if headings[matchStr[i]] != 0 {
                        line = append(line, matchStr[i])
                if len(line) != 0 {
                    _, err = p.Stdout.Writeln(marshaller(line))
                    if err != nil {

            } else {
                for i := range matchStr {
                    col := headings[matchStr[i]]
                    if col != 0 && col < len(recs)+1 {
                        line = append(line, recs[col-1])
                    } else {
                        if len(recs) == 0 || (len(recs) == 1 && recs[0] == "") {
                if len(line) != 0 {
                    _, err = p.Stdout.Writeln(marshaller(line))
                    if err != nil {

        return errors.New("you haven't selected any rows / columns")

func ittNot(p *Process, params []string, cRecords chan []string, marshaller func([]string) []byte) error {
    var (
        mode     int
        matchStr = make(map[string]bool)
        matchInt = make(map[int]bool)

    for i := range params {
        switch {
        case rxRowSuffixOld.MatchString(params[i]):
            if mode != 0 && mode != byRowNumber {
                return errMixAndMatch
            mode = byRowNumber
            num, _ := strconv.Atoi(params[i][:len(params[i])-1])
            matchInt[num] = true

        case rxRowSuffixNew.MatchString(params[i]):
            if mode != 0 && mode != byRowNumber {
                return errMixAndMatch
            mode = byRowNumber
            num, _ := strconv.Atoi(params[i][1:])
            matchInt[num+1] = true // Don't count from zero

        case rxColumnPrefixOld.MatchString(params[i]):
            if mode != 0 && mode != byColumnNumber {
                return errMixAndMatch
            mode = byColumnNumber
            num, _ := strconv.Atoi(params[i][1:])
            matchInt[num] = true

        case rxColumnPrefixNew.MatchString(params[i]):
            if mode != 0 && mode != byColumnNumber {
                return errMixAndMatch
            mode = byColumnNumber
            num := charToIndex(params[i][1])
            matchInt[num] = true

            if mode != 0 && mode != byColumnName {
                return errMixAndMatch
            matchStr[params[i]] = true
            mode = byColumnName


    switch mode {
    case byRowNumber:
        i := -1
        for {
            recs, ok := <-cRecords
            if !ok {
                return nil

            if !matchInt[i] {
                _, err := p.Stdout.Writeln(marshaller(recs))
                if err != nil {

    case byColumnNumber:
        for {
            recs, ok := <-cRecords
            if !ok {
                return nil

            var line []string
            for i := range recs {
                if !matchInt[i] {
                    line = append(line, recs[i])
            if len(line) != 0 {

    case byColumnName:
        var (
            lineNum  int
            headings = make(map[int]string)

        for {
            var line []string
            recs, ok := <-cRecords
            if !ok {
                return nil

            if lineNum == 0 {
                for i := range recs {
                    headings[i] = recs[i]
                    if !matchStr[headings[i]] {
                        line = append(line, recs[i])
                if len(line) != 0 {

            } else {
                for i := range recs {
                    if !matchStr[headings[i]] {
                        line = append(line, recs[i])

                if len(line) != 0 {

        return errors.New("you haven't selected any rows / columns")


  1. *lang.Process: Process’s runtime state. Typically expressed as the variable p
  2. []string: slice of parameters used in [ / ![
  3. chan []string: a channel for rows (each element in the slice is a column within the row). This allows tables to be stream-able
  4. func(interface{}) ([]byte, error): data type marshaller function

See Also

This document was generated from lang/stdio/interface_doc.yaml.

This site's content is rebuilt automatically from murex's source code after each merge to the master branch. Downloadable murex binaries are also built with the website.

Last built on Tue Dec 10 22:56:57 UTC 2024 against commit 60f05a260f05a227caf73dd5b3478e3cb3f4bb24e46745b.

Current version is 6.4.1005 (develop) which has been verified against tests cases.